Monday, July 15, 2024

Winners take all - political islamist and colonial agenda of world domination - GRS and Malaysia under Political Islam aka Malaysia Madani

The concept of "winners take all" in political contexts, including Islamist and colonial settings, can be traced through historical, religious, and political lenses. This principle suggests that the victorious party gains complete control and benefits from the outcome, often at the expense of the losers. To explore this, let's look at some specific areas:

1. Islamic Perspective
In Islamic history, the idea of winners taking all can be seen in the context of conquests and the distribution of spoils of war. Relevant verses from the Quran include:

Quran 8:41: "And know that anything you obtain of war booty - then indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger and for [his] near relatives and the orphans, the needy, and the [stranded] traveler, if you have believed in Allah and in that which We sent down to Our Servant on the day of criterion - the day when the two armies met. And Allah, over all things, is competent."
This verse underscores the distribution of war spoils, ensuring that the winner (Muslim army) retains a significant portion while also allocating shares for various social groups.

Quran 9:111: "Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed."
This verse emphasizes the rewards for believers who engage in jihad, highlighting the concept of significant gains (both material and spiritual) for those who emerge victorious.

2. Colonial Perspective
Colonialism often exemplified the "winners take all" mentality, where colonial powers exploited conquered territories for their resources, wealth, and strategic advantages.

Real-Life Example: British Colonialism in India: The British East India Company, after gaining control, monopolized trade, exploited resources, and imposed taxes, significantly benefiting the British economy at the expense of local populations. The colonial administration restructured the Indian economy to serve British interests, leading to immense wealth transfer to Britain.
3. Academic Perspectives and Illustrations
Several academic works explore the dynamics of power and the "winners take all" concept in both political Islamism and colonial contexts:

Journals and Articles:

"Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery" by M.A. Khan discusses the historical context of Islamic conquests and the distribution of spoils.
"Colonialism: An International Social, Cultural, and Political Encyclopedia" by Melvin E. Page offers detailed insights into the exploitation of colonies by imperial powers.

Extract from Sessi Dewan Negera Sabah
7. YB. Datuk Ignatius Dorell Leiking [Moyog] asked the MINISTER OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT, how much has been allocated by the government in Moyog State Assembly and list the number of projects that have been applied for and approved.

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 To answer the question from the Moyog assemblyman, Datuk Speaker as the information of the Honorable Member from N.26 Moyog and this honorable House, based on the information obtained from the Penampang District Office, the total amount of allocation that has been spent is as much as RM9.670 million for the N.26 Moyog State Assembly area of ​​that amount, as much as RM5.910 million   is through the State Government. And the rest of RM3.760 million is paid by the Federal Government. 

 Datuk Speaker, in 2024, so far the Penampang District Office has applied for a total of 1,117 projects, which is a total of 602 project applications to the State Government and also 505 project applications to the Federal Government. While the total number of projects that have been approved is as many as 73 projects which are 60 projects from the State Government and also 13 projects from the Federal Government. Thank you.

 Deputy Speaker [Datuk Haji Al Hambra bin Tun Haji Juhar]: Supplementary question Moyog. Supplementary question Datuk Ignatius Dorell Leiking [Moyog]: Thank you, thank you Minister. 1117 projects were applied for by the District Council, District Office, only 73 were approved. What I see here Datuk Speaker is that there are more than a thousand of these projects which are probably very necessary in the Moyog area, and if only 73 are approved there is a big problem. I do not know what this application is. I don't know what the District Office is asking for because I don't sit on the District Development Committee. May I ask Datuk Speaker from the Minister of this list of 1,117 so that we can refer to the people in Moyog how do we you know give an explanation why their place was not given this project and I want to take the opportunity here, after the flood many roads, many village roads are damaged in Penampang in Moyog District and in front of my father's house even the bridge made by JKR has not been completed. It's a big problem when you enter the I mean road there. Like waves. Clay. Villagers' cars complain to me, some people also ask for a little help to repair because some people have a broken mud guard, some people have a broken tailpipe. So, this is the kind of urgency we did. By the way, JKR Minister I just contacted your engineer in the district and he said he will do something. But we do need a quick fix solution. Please give me the list so that we can identify what the problem is and we will also contact our friends in the federation if they can help. Thank you.

 Assistant Minister of Rural Development [Datuk Samad bin Jambri @Jamri]: Thank you for the additional question from Yang Berhormat Moyog. Indeed, the application data mentioned, which is 1, 117, is the data that is in the Penampang District Office and it can indeed be shared by the people's representatives. However, we will request the details from the Penampang District Office for more details and most likely can be conveyed to the Honorable in writing. Thank you Honorable.

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