Monday, January 1, 2024

10 Court of heaven prayers


God stands in the congregation of the mighty. He judges among the gods. ~ Psalm 82.1    

 To understand the Court of Heaven, you must first understand the Kingdom of God, and to   understand the Kingdom of God you must first understand your rights and responsibilities as a  citizen of this kingdom. You must understand the level of authority that you have. the authority that   Jesus purchased with His blood. In the old days, children were taught the Bill of Rights and the   Constitution in Civics class. We were taught about our rights as citizens and the laws that govern our   nation and our responsibilities as citizens. The Bible is both our Bill of Rights and our governing   laws for the Kingdom of God. Contrary to popular teachings in today’s apostate era, the Bible is the   unadulterated, pure and infallible Word of God that comes straight from His heart to a lost and   dying world. To live and operate in the Court of Heaven, you must use the Word of God. Period. The entire spirit world listens to every syllable that proceeds out of God’s mouth and those syllables  come from YOUR Bible. 


 What exactly is the Kingdom of God. When was it formed and what does it have to do   

 with me. The Kingdom of God has always been. It is from everlasting to everlasting. It has no   

 beginning and it has no end because God has no beginning and no end. However, the Kingdom of   

 God acquired a whole new being as part of the kingdom.human beings who were made in the   

 image of Elohim. Time entered eternity with the creation of Adam and Eve and time will one day   

 end and eternity will continue on forever. God wants to populate His Kingdom with as many of His   

 children as He possibly can while time is still here. A few of the Old Testament saints had glimpses   

 of the Kingdom, but it wasn’t until John the Baptist and Jesus came, who actually began telling   

 people the Kingdom of God was at hand. The Kingdom of God is in the here and now folks. We   

 are in the Kingdom of God whether we know it or not OR whether we believe it or not. If you have   

 accepted Jesus’ sacrifice, repented of your sins and are seeking His will for your life then you are in a   

 blood covenant with Elohim.God Almighty through His Son, Jesus Christ. CITIZENSHIP IN THE KINGDOM   

 As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we have rights and responsibilities that govern our decisions and   

 behavior. Let’s look at our rights and responsibilities. 


 † Through the blood of Jesus, we have eternal life. John 3.16   

 † We have the right to approach God the Father boldly to pursue an intimate relationship with Him. Hebrews 4.16, I John 4.15 

† We have access to the Table of the Lord through His blood that provides our healing,  our deliverance from oppression of Satan, for provisions of material goods, for peace  within and without, for victory in all our battles, for the gifts of the Spirit. This table is  Communion or also known as the Lord’s Supper Luke 22.19-20. John 6.51   

 † We have the authority to take our dominion position in the Kingdom of God and establish the will of God in the our realm or sphere of influence. Genesis 1.26. Psalm 8.6. James 3.7   

 † We have the right to present our petitions and decrees in the Court of Heaven to enforce and bring to pass the plans and purposes of God our Father in the earth and in our sphere of influence. Isaiah 1.18. Luke 18.1-8   

 † We have authority and power over ALL the power of the enemy. Luke 10.19   

 † We have access to all the weaponry of the Kingdom to subdue the enemy. The Name of   Jesus and the blood of Jesus. Jeremiah 50.25. Ephesians 6.12   

 † We have the right to apply the blood of Jesus to every situation we face that is contrary to the Word of God. Revelation 12.11   


 † God has given us a measure of faith. It is our responsibility to make spiritual progress. There are so many tools available for believers to learn the deep things of God. There  are so many great Word study tools for us to choose from. It is up to us as individuals  to study and learn everything we can to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Romans 12.3   

 † We are responsible for pursuing the Gifts of the Spirit. These are wisdom, knowledge,   faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues and interpretation of  tongues. I Corinthians 12.8-10    

 † We are responsible to operate fully in AGAPE LOVE towards others, especially fellow   believers. I John 14.1-21. 1 John 4.11. † We are responsible to OBEY God’s Word.the Bible as well as any personal  instructions that He gives us through our personal prayer times. Exodus 19.5. Revelation   14.12. Romans 1.5   

 † We are responsible for producing other believers. We are supposed to go out into the   highways and byways and compel the lost into the Kingdom before it is too late. Mark  16.15. Matthew 12.14. Matthew 18.1-20

† We ARE our brother’s keeper. We are responsible for helping our brethren in the   LORD when they are in trouble and for helping them to stay on the narrow road. James   1.27. Hebrews 13.16. John 3.17. Matthew 25.35-40   

 † We are responsible for keeping our flesh under control and that includes our tongue. Proverbs 4.23. 2 Corinthians 10.3-5. I Peter 1.13. Psalm 101.3. Proverbs 21.23. James 3.2-10   

 † We are responsible for watching and praying and listening for that trumpet call to meet Jesus in the air. Luke 21.36. Matthew 24.13   


 What is the purpose of the Court of Heaven. The Court of Heaven is where justice is  meted out. It is where God judges situations in personal lives and in nations and cities. He is the  Judge of the Earth and He issues judgments based on the arguments set forth in the Court of   Heaven. In the Court of Heaven justice is determined, mercy is found and the wrath of God is   poured out and Satan is able to destroy lives or he is stopped cold. The Court of Heaven is where    breakthroughs come for believers. The issues of justice that come forth are directly related to us as  individuals. 


Who are the participants in the Court room. In every court room, there are several participants. Courtrooms are very busy places. Let’s look at the players in this arena. God the Father, Yehovah.the Creator . God the Father is the Judge of the Universe. He is  sovereign over all His creation. He can do absolutely ANYTHING He wants with His creation. He   can even destroy if He chooses to. He did it once that we know of in the flood of Noah. Genesis   1.1 says In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Jesus Christ, Our Advocate . Jesus is our advocate with the Father. I John 2.1 says My little   children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the   Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for   the whole world. Jesus Christ is our Intercessor. Romans 8.34 says Who is he who condemns. It is Christ   who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. Jesus fights for us when we fall into sin. He asks for time to work an unfruitful tree because He   knows our hearts. He comes into agreement with OUR petitions in the court. We are co advocates   for others as we intercede for them right along with Jesus. The Holy Spirit . The precious Holy Spirit is everywhere. He is in our hearts and He is also in  the heart of God who sits on the throne in the Court. He helps us to pray in accordance with the   PERFECT will of God because He KNOWS the perfect will of God. That is why praying in the Spirit is key to getting victory. Romans 8.26 says Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we   do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings   which cannot be uttered. The Holy Spirit is ALWAYS with us because He lives big on the inside of us. He is the power behind our faith. Blood-bought Christians . As blood-bought believers in Jesus Christ, WE play an integral part   of the court room activities. We are the only human beings allowed into the Court room. An   unbeliever cannot go there until they are washed in the Blood of the Lamb. God’s immigration   

 policy into the Kingdom is very simple. Accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ or go into the lake of  fire. There is no illegal immigration in the Kingdom of God. But we are now sons and daughters of   the Most High and as such, we are told to come boldly to His throne of Grace for help in times of  trouble. Hebrews 4.16 says Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and  find grace to help in time of need. 2 Corinthians 6.18 says I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty. Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all  filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. We are also a royal priesthood who can actually come and minister to the LORD in our prayers and our worship. I Peter 2.9 says But you are   a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. His own special people, that you may PROCLAIM the praises  of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. As priests and kings of the Most High, part   of our duties in the Kingdom IS to go regularly to the Court of Heaven and make decrees and  declarations, petitions and intercessions for the earth realm--our sphere of influence. He expects us  to make a difference in our world. Satan.the Adversary . Satan is in the Court of Heaven day and night the Bible says. Revelation 12.10 says Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom   of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God   day and night, has been cast down. The ONLY thing Satan can do is con you into believing a lie. He is    the father of lies. He accuses us on three fronts. 1 when we fall into sin and don’t repent. He puts a temptation before you and tries to convince you that God won’t mind. He’s down with your sinful lifestyle. You’re special. When you fall for it, he immediately goes to make a case against you   in the Court of Heaven. Unrepentant sins bring judgment. If you don’t repent and put it under the   blood of Jesus, it is hanging out there for Satan to use against you at an opportune time. 2 Doubt  and unbelief. One of Satan’s primary strategies is to convince you that God is holding out on you. That God’s motives are evil towards you. That He loves everybody BUT you. He sets   circumstances up that seem to add weight to his argument. When we fall for it, he watches us as we   withdraw from the Lord. The further we back away, the stronger his case against you gets. 3 The  words of our mouth. The Bible clearly states that life and death are in the power of the tongue. 

You WILL eat the fruit of your lips whether you believe it or not. Satan listens to our words. When we back of our hand, we will begin to see breakthroughs happen. The Court of Heaven truly is where breakthroughs happen. On the next few pages are some sample petitions to use in the Court of Heaven. Keep in mind, these are samples. It is best for you to go to the Word of God and get the scriptures for your  situation. 

say things that are negative and full of doubt and unbelief, he grabs those words to use against us. Once he has prepared his case against you, he goes to the Court of Heaven and presents it. If he   

 makes the case, he can attack you. The Holy Angels . the angels are also in the court room awaiting the good verdict for us. When   

 God hands us the good verdict, the angels are assigned to work it out for us. Angels are sent to do   

 warfare in the heavenlies against Satan’s kings and princes. They are sent to bring messages and they   

 are sent to work in the circumstances of our lives to bring about the good verdict. THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT   

 What is the language of the Court. It is all based on God’s eternal Law.the Word of God.the   

 Bible. Justice is measured against the Word of God and the standards He has set forth for the world   

 to operate in. The arguments that Jesus puts forth as our Intercessor are based on the Word, the plans in our   

 book and the state of our heart, which He can see. We take a lesson from the fig tree that Jesus   

 cursed. Jesus knew that fig tree was faulty at the core, so He cursed it. But a fig tree that has a good   

 potential for bearing fruit He will argue that given more time the Kingdom will be enriched by it. The arguments, petitions and accusations that Satan puts forth are also based on the Word of God. He points out the failures to meet those standards of behavior. The petitions he brings can result in   

 permission to attack. like what happened to Job and countless others. He demands permission to sift   

 believers like wheat. He can do nothing except God grants permission. God has to grant permission   

 if there is no intercessor praying for a person, situation or even a nation OR there is no repentance   

 by a person, city or nation. There comes a point where God’s grace ends and He has to allow Satan   

 to attack. This point comes when the person or situation does not change, or when no repentance   

 comes from the grace issued. Sooner or later Satan will get permission under these circumstances. This is why intercessors are so very vital to the Kingdom of God. Finally, believers can go to the   

 Court of Heaven with their Word-based petitions for other people, for their nation and government,   

 for their families and friends.for prayer assignments they are given by the LORD. We bring our   

 petitions that are rooted in God’s eternal law. We stand with Jesus before the Court and make these   

 declarations. We come into agreement with Elohim for a person or situation. We ask for salvations,   

 for deliverances, for mercy, for parameters to be set against Satan. We also object to Satan’s illegal   

 activities in our lives and in the lives of our family and friends. For example, if you have changed to   

 the Bloodline of Jesus Christ, any generational operations against you are illegal for Satan to do and   

 you can go to the Court of Heaven and object to it. When we resist the devil in the Court of Heaven   

 HE MUST FLEE according to James 4.7   


 How do we petition the Court for ourselves and others. As stated earlier, we petition using the Bible. The Bible is the infallible, never-changing Word of God. The Old AND New Testaments   

 are equally valuable in the Court of Heaven. God’s Word stands forever. Every Word in the Bible is   

 God-breathed and therefore a valid argument in the Court. Hebrews 4.12. Isaiah 55.11   

 When we have a burden for a person or situation and we want to take it to the Court of   

 Heaven, it is wise to take some time to gather the scriptures from the Word of God that support our   

 arguments. In a natural court setting, lawyers gather what they call precedent. It is a legally   

 established verdict already issued for the situation. Once something is legally established, it can be   

 challenged over and over again. In the Court of Heaven, we take our scriptures and present them to the Father, the Just Judge   

 of the Universe. For example, if we are praying for a lost loved one, we bring the scriptures referring   

 to salvation of our family. We cry out for God’s mercy and grace for our lost family member s . It is in the Court of Heaven that we bind and loose according to Matthew 18.18. It says   

  whatever is bound in heaven. It is bound or loosed in the Court of Heaven FIRST, and then it   

 manifests in the earth. AND it must agree with God’s Word. MAKING DECREES AND DECLARATIONS IN THE COURT   

 The Court of Heaven is more than a place to get justice for ourselves only. It is also the place   

 where we take dominion in the earth. The same as Adam had, we have been given dominion over   

 the earth.our realm of influence. When our realm doesn’t line up with the Word of God, we can   

 go to the Court of Heaven and make decrees and declarations in the Court. We can bind and loose   

 here. We can ask for God to go to war with us using the vast resources of Heaven. Joshua 5.13-15. Exodus 15.3. THE RESULTS OF COURT ROOM ACTIVITY   

 What are the results of all this court room activity. Breakthroughs. The Court of Heaven   

 is where breakthroughs happen. The enemy is bound, people and situations are loosed and God is   

 glorified through it all. The Court of Heaven is a very active place because there are petitions,   

 decrees and declarations being spoken day and night by the people of God who know about the   

 Court of Heaven AND how to operate in the Court. Eternity will tell the results of all this court room activity. I am convinced that when we all are   

 fully in the Kingdom.when we are no longer looking through the glass darkly.we will see the   

 results of our petitions, decrees and declarations. We will know how effective our spiritual warfare   

 has been. In the meantime, though, keep bombarding the Court with your petitions. keep declaring   

 the Word over your family and over your life in every area. For us as believers, the Court of Heaven is VITAL to our spiritual warfare efforts down here. We must learn to operate there and we can only do that when we KNOW Him intimately. When we   

 are confident in His motives towards us and when we know His Eternal Law.the Bible like the back of our hand, we will begin to see breakthroughs happen. The Court of Heaven truly is where   

 breakthroughs happen. On the next few pages are some sample petitions to use in the Court of Heaven. Keep in mind,   

 these are samples. It is best for you to go to the Word of God and get the scriptures for your   situation. 

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