Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Proposal to upgrade the spiritual status of the Bobohizans and Tobits, Bobolians and Tantagas to the "Order of Melchizedek"

This is a powerful and comprehensive vision for upgrading the spiritual status of the Bobohizans, Bobolians, and Tantagas under the Order of Melchizedek. Below is a structured proposal based on your points to help present it formally to the KDCA, community elders, and spiritual leaders.


Proposal for the Spiritual Reformation and Elevation of Bobohizans, Bobolians, and Tantagas under the Order of Melchizedek

Submitted by: [Your Name]
Date: [Insert Date]
To: The Leadership of KDCA, Spiritual Elders, and the Kadazan Community


For centuries, the Bobohizans, Bobolians, and Tantagas have served as the spiritual intermediaries of the Kadazan aka Dusun people. However, their role has been misinterpreted, weakened, and even infiltrated by false spirits, colonial distortions, and occult influences.

In alignment with the true Sinakagagon do Kinoingan (Good-Spirited People of Yah), this proposal seeks to restore, reform, and elevate the Bobohizans, Bobolians, and Tantagas to their rightful place as righteous priests and spiritual leaders under the Order of Melchizedek (Perintah Melkisedek). This ensures that they no longer serve under the deceptions of fallen spirits, ancestral curses, or occult bondage but are instead filled with the Ruach (Spirit) of Kinoingan Minamangun, serving with wisdom, righteousness, and divine authority.

Objectives of the Spiritual Reformation

1. Purification of Spiritual Leadership – Ensuring that only those truly called by Yah and purified by the Blood of the Lamb (Huminundun/Yeshua HaMashiach) are allowed to serve.

2. Establishing Biblical & Spiritual Qualifications – Implementing strict spiritual, academic, and moral standards to prevent witchcraft, spiritism, or deception from taking root.

3. Eradicating False Worship & Idolatry – Removing all counterfeit gods, Nephilim spirits, and demonic deceptions that have infiltrated the Bobohizan system.

4. Spiritual Empowerment & Training – Equipping new leaders with prophetic, intercessory, and deliverance skills based on the authority of Yah’s Word and the Holy Spirit (Sunduvan Tobitua).

5. Integration of Kingdom Principles – Aligning Kadazan aka Dusun spiritual governance with the laws of Yah, ensuring truth, justice, and righteousness prevail.

6. Breaking Generational Curses & Bloodline Corruption – Ensuring all new Bobohizans undergo complete spiritual cleansing and deliverance before serving.


Qualifications for Bobohizan Trainees (Berlatih Bobohizan)

To prevent spiritual deception, new Bobohizan trainees must meet the following minimum requirements before training:

1. Born Again (BA) – John 3:3 – Must have experienced true spiritual rebirth in Yah through repentance and faith in Yeshua HaMashiach.

2. Martyr’s Heart (MA - Hon) – Galatians 2:20 – Must be dead to the world’s temptations and willing to stand for truth, even at personal cost.

3. Kingdom Authority (PhD) – Matthew 28:18-20 – Must understand the Great Commission, be trained in spiritual warfare, healing, and deliverance.


Spiritual Discernment & The Sevenfold Spirit of Yah (Yesaya 11:2)

Every Bobohizan must be indwelt and led by the Sevenfold Spirit of Yah:

1. Spirit of Yah (Boos do Kinoingan) – Divine Presence and Authority.

2. Spirit of Wisdom – Ability to discern between Yah’s power and demonic deceptions.

3. Spirit of Understanding – Knowledge of spiritual laws and strategies of the enemy.

4. Spirit of Counsel – Guiding the people with truth and righteousness.

5. Spirit of Might – Empowerment to cast out demons, heal the sick, and dismantle strongholds.

6. Spirit of Knowledge – Mastery of divine and earthly wisdom (including science, history, and law).

7. Spirit of the Fear of Yah – Holiness and complete surrender to Yah’s will.

Identifying & Removing False Spirits from the System

The Tantagas (Lotud Bobohizans) have identified seven false spirits that have infiltrated the traditional system. These must be removed:

1. Gunsangod – Spirit of War, connected to Shiva/Isis/Astarte.

2. Singkarad – Spirit of Sorcery and Dark Power.

3. Rangkai – Spirit of Divination and False Prophecy.

4. Liso – Spirit of Deception, causing idolatry and spiritism.

5. Rongko – Spirit of Fear and Control.

6. Tanggung – Spirit of False Religion, promoting counterfeit spirituality.

7. Tungku nu Kinabalu – Spirit of the Queen of Heaven (Asherah/Ishtar/Kali).

Mandatory Spiritual Disciplines for Bobohizans

Every Bobohizan must be trained in:

Nine Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) – Including discernment, prophecy, healing, tongues, and miracles.

Mastery of the Word of Yah – Must be proficient in Hebrew/Greek scriptures and spiritual warfare.

Courtroom of Heaven Knowledge – Must understand Heaven’s judicial system to reverse enemy accusations.

Prophetic Intercession & Deliverance – Mastery of binding and loosing (Matthew 16:19).

Spiritual Warfare Training (Ephesians 6:12) – Equipping in the full armor of Yah to defeat Satan’s forces.


Restoring the True Worship of Kinoingan Minamangun

All Bobohizans must reject:

❌ Bambaazon & Ancestral Spirits – Worshiping the dead is forbidden (Deuteronomy 18:10-12).
❌ Shamanism & Witchcraft – No contact with familiar spirits, necromancy, or divination.
❌ New Age & Occult Practices – No connection to Illuminati, Freemasonry, or hidden cults.

Instead, worship must be pure, holy, and Spirit-led, rooted in:

✅ The Blood of the Lamb (Revelation 12:11) – Deliverance from generational curses.
✅ True Prophetic Worship (John 4:24) – Worship in spirit and truth.
✅ Kingdom Mindset (Matthew 6:33) – Prioritizing Yah’s Kingdom above tribal traditions.


Implementation Plan

1. Public Awareness Campaign – Educate the Kadazan aka Dusun community on the true spiritual inheritance.

2. Screening & Deliverance – All candidates undergo intense spiritual cleansing before training.

3. Establishing a Council of Righteous Elders – Forming a leadership group of seasoned spiritual warriors.

4. Developing Kingdom-Based Training Schools – Teaching scripture, spiritual warfare, and righteous governance.

5. Community Revival & Repentance – Leading mass repentance prayers and fasting to break demonic strongholds.

6. Strategic Intercession for KDCA Leadership – Praying for the Huguan Siou and council members to submit to Yah’s will.



The Kadazan aka Dusun people are called to be a holy nation, set apart for Yah’s purposes. This proposal seeks to:

✅ Restore the Bobohizan priesthood to its righteous calling.
✅ Eliminate demonic infiltration and corruption.
✅ Ensure future spiritual leaders serve under the true power of Yah.
✅ Bring revival and breakthrough to the entire community.

Deuteronomy 30:19 – "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live."

Final Call to Action

It is time for the righteous remnant to rise. This movement requires:

Brave warriors of faith to stand for truth.

Intercessors and spiritual reformers to engage in warfare prayer.

Leaders with integrity to bring spiritual, political, and economic transformation.

Will KDCA rise to the call of Yah, or remain in darkness?

The choice is yours.

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