Monday, July 21, 2014

S.K.K.S - Salvation, Kingdom principles, Koinonia and Service

The month of Ramadhan 2014 saw me taking a full month of praying and fasting. Unlike previous years of fast I have taken, I had to my advantage the social media like Facebook, Google+, this Blog and others to keep in touch with fellow Christians, get online updates on current world events and convenient way of expressing revelations received through YouTube and whatsapp. It was also a great source to check and counter check stories, doctrines, historical events, ebooks, published dessertations on various topics. 
As to worship, there were millions of praise and worship songs, compilation in multilingual formats and most if not all of the popular Church hymns, songs and instrumentals are available freely either on f.o.c. Or subscription basis. 
The years 2014 and 2015 are very very significant years as many endtime prophecies given in Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Revelation, Psalm and the Gospel of Matthew are coming to pass. We are also witnessing the presence of the four tetrad blood moons which coincided with the feasts of Passover and tabernacle in both years. 
As the date of this writing, Israel is involved in conflict with Hamas, the descendants of its traditional enemies the Phillistines who are occupying the Gaza, and both sides had casualties but more damages were inflicted on Hamas if not for the success of iron dome, Israel's ingenious invention, a protective shield. 
Rather a long introduction for the subject matter of this tittle - S.K.K.S. - Salvation, Kingdom principles, Koinonia and Service.