We decree that our water is sweet, and the weather is good. By our Yah-ordained authority over our mountains of influence, we decree that:
Confusion and chaos engulf the Council of Darkness working to establish the government of Hell on the earth and destroy the Body of Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ obliterates every evil strategy, every prophecy of darkness and the timetable of hell programmed into the seasonal cycle of the sun, moon, and stars. For the gates of hell, the Council of Darkness, shall not prevail against our life, family, and the Body of Christ today.
We decree that all unjust laws and judgments released by the Council of Darkness are overturned by the just laws and judgments of the Superior Court of Heaven. For the mighty, stubborn, unrelenting, ancient sword of the Lord with the victorious angel armies severs, disrupts, and overthrows all trading floors of darkness, and dissolves the covenants of death between the human agents of darkness and the fallen sons of God. Expose the wicked trading floors in our nation.
We decree that all human agents of darkness be silenced like the Queen of Heaven in Isaiah 47. The blood of Jesus Christ covers all satanic prayers, incantations, chants, spells, fetishes, prophetic acts, and prophecies of darkness. You are forbidden to hinder the destiny of the Sons of God.
We decree that the human agents of darkness and the fallen sons of God turn their hatred on one another like the enemies of Israel in the Old Testament. Let all human agents be confronted with the truth of their bondage to darkness. Repent for your sins or die in your iniquity. Every evil word, blood sacrifice, entanglement of iniquity, engraving, laws of darkness, and assignments of death, destruction, and futility programmed by human agents of darkness in the heavenlies this day and in the past is abolished and of no effect by the blood of Jesus Christ. All wicked schemes are thwarted and must fall to the earth as dust. All demonic hordes released must cease and desist in their assignment. Every demonic seed planted in the heavens, on the earth, under the earth, and in the seas, under the seas, in the high places, and under the high places, in the mountains, and under the mountains be uprooted, wither, and die today. Every tree of darkness planted in this region, this state, this nation, and the nations of the earth is destroyed by the lightning of God. Not one tendril remains. The blood of Jesus destroys the grid of darkness, the veil of hell, constructed over everyone that concerns us. Release the captives in our family, the region, the nation, and the Body of Christ from the black light of self-righteousness. Break off every shackle. May the lightning and thundering of the Lord be manifested in the heavens as this war wages on behalf of the Body of Christ in Sabah particularly in Penampang. Destroy every satanic blockade in the heavenlies hindering the access of the Body of Christ to the heavenly realms.
We decree that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses the portals in our region. Access is denied to the human agents of darkness who have controlled the spiritual atmosphere. Angel armies set up checkpoints and restrict access to only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Protect this region according to Psalm 91. Alert the Body of Christ to any invasion by the enemy. Because the Blood of the Lamb is applied to the doorposts and lintels of our lives, the angel of death and destruction must pass over, and all the plagues of Egypt cannot penetrate our secret place in God.
We decree that the Body and blood of Jesus Christ restores and heals the DNA in our family, making no effect on every hidden equation programmed by hell into our DNA through inner vows, bitterness, iniquity, and trauma. Let every battle in the heavenlies be in favor of the angels assigned to convey our blessings. Let the heavens declare the glory of God over our lives. In Jesus Christ Name. Amen