Saturday, October 28, 2017

Peter J. Mojuntin Protest letter to PM Malaysia written on 14/11/1970

".... Sabah shall become a haven of squirming humanities where discontent, frustration, corruption, immorality and communism shall thrive. If a religion .... is used in such ruthless manners to serve one's political ends ...... it is worse than communism because it knowingly mocks the Almighty."

" This letter is not an attempt to be foolhardy neither is it written in a rush but rather a sincere expression of my deep concern, not only as a follower of Christ but more because of my election pledge to serve the best I could for the people. "
The 32 points protest letter to the BN's Muslim dominated Government 1970 - the late Peter J. Mojuntin, The Kadazan golden son.

Sunday, October 22, 2017



Lord, in the Name of Jesus, we ask You to accomplish every thing that is on Your heart. We open the gates of this city and Nation, Penampang and Sabah, to accomplish everything that is on Your heart. Lord we are here for You, O Son of David, we are Yours. We are not here for our own purpose and will, but we are here to glorify You.
We ask that You will move by the power of Your Spirit. We open the doors of our hearts; we open the gates of Penampang and Sabah. We open the gates in the heavens, the earth and under the earth. We open the gates for You to enter in a new way for Your Kingdom to come, for Your Kingdom to be established, for Your purpose to be fulfilled and Your will to be done in our lives, in our families and in Penampang and Sabah.
We ask that Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Let it be, Lord, that none of Your purpose will fail; none of Your council will drop to the ground. We ask that You will move us, compel us by the power of Your Spirit, so that every thought of Your heart, every council of Your will be fulfilled. We thank You, Lord, because You are able to do much more than we can ask or think because we have asked in Jesus’ Name.
Lord, we come humbly before You this day. we submit ourself to You. We, the Kadazan of Sabah, Penampang, submit our spirit, our soul, our body, our heart, and everything within us. We submit our faculties. We submit the members of our body, our memory, our thought. We submit our mindset. We submit even the Word that You have given us. We submit to the Holy Spirit completely.

 "James 4:7 Submit to God in a new way. Submit your spirit, your soul, submit your heart, your mind, your mind set, your body (so that tiredness can’t get hold of you) for the purpose of His works because the Lord wants to do a new thing."

We submit to the help, to the Leadership, to the anointing, to the power of the Almighty God; to the quickening of the Holy Spirit and to the power of His Word. We submit it to You. We submit the atmosphere in this premise to you. We submit from the highest heavens to the deepest of Penampang and Sabah to You. We submit it to You and bring it under the covering of the Blood of Jesus. Thank You Father.
Let us lift our voices and pray and resist the enemy:
Father, we plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over the atmosphere of Penampang and Sabah. We plead the Blood of Christ over the inhabitants of Penampang and Sabah; over the heavens, the sun, the moon and the stars. Under the earth we bring the speaking of the Blood of Jesus and we announce to the powers of darkness: The Blood of Jesus is against you; the Blood of Jesus condemns your activities to hinder and oppose us in every way. We rebuke you, we resist you, we frustrate your devices. We uproot every thought, every council and every idea that you may have put in the hearts of men to resist the Holy Spirit and to resist the Word of God. We uproot those things in the Name of Jesus. We overthrow the chariots of the enemy in the heavens over this city. We ask that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

If you can link your hands and let us pray together:
Heavenly Father, we thank You, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Ancient of Days; the Creator of the heavens and the earth; the God who made the sun and the moon and the stars; the God who stretched out the heavens like a curtain; the God who sits on the shackles of the earth and the inhabitants are like grasshoppers before Him; the Almighty God, the God who set boundary for the seas, so that even though they roar with many waves they cannot cross that boundary.
Our Father, we thank You, the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We exalt Your Name in Penampang and Sabah today, because when you created Penampang and Sabah, You created a city for Your pleasure and for Your pleasure alone.

The Bible says You appointed even territorial angels to look after those pieces of land that you created for different peoples to dwell in. Father, we thank You because when man lost authority in the Garden of Eden, You brought Your Son, Jesus Christ, and He redeemed us. He reconciled all things to God by His Blood (Col 1:20).
Therefore, today, as we stand in this place, at this altar, we bring the speaking of the Blood of Jesus over Penampang and Sabah; we bring the speaking of the Blood of Jesus against the speaking of the altars of the devil. We bring the speaking of the Blood of Jesus in the sun, the moon and the stars. We bring the speaking of the Blood of Jesus in the waters of  Sabah and we bring the speaking of the Blood of Jesus in the the Land of Sabah especially the District of Penampang. We bring the speaking of the Blood of Jesus even in the belly of the earth, in the graves. It is written that He who ascends up on high, first of all led captivity captive. He descended into the lower parts of the earth; he led captivity captive and he gave gifts unto man.
We proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over Penampang and Sabah at this time. We overthrow the chariots of the enemy; every reception party that the enemy has arranged in Penampang and Sabah for Satan and his servants; every opposition that the enemy has put in place to hinder the plan, to hinder the purpose of God. We dismantle that opposition; we frustrate the tokens of liars; we make diviners to be mad and we turn all their wisdom backwards and their knowledge to foolishness.
We remove the wheels of their chariots in the Name of Jesus. We cancel their claim by the speaking of the Blood of Jesus; everything that has been put in place in the realm of the spirit to oppose God and to oppose the Church of Jesus Christ, to oppose us from moving foreword; to oppose us in the council of God; to oppose us from receiving grace; to oppose us from receiving a fresh anointing – we rebuke those forces of darkness in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
We prophesy to the gates of Penampang and Sabah: Lift up your heads, O you gates, be lifted up you ancient doors, let Jesus the King of glory come in a new way.

We prophesy to the gates and the doors of the hearts of men: Lift up your heads, O you gates and be lifted up. Let the Word of God prosper, let it flow like a river of life, washing us, washing the body to prepare the bride, to make us without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Let the Word of God be like fire to burn every rubbish dump of lies in Penampang and Sabah. Everything that the devil has put in place, the ancient altars that have been put in place, let the Word of God be like fire to burn and destroy those things.
We proclaim God’s visitation to Penampang and Sabah in this day. We proclaim the vengeance of God against His enemy. Lord, we ask You to ruin the enemy’s camp in the heavens; let Your heavens be opened, let the heavens of God be opened over Penampang and Sabah.
We ask that You release Your territorial angels, the angels in charge of Your purpose in Malaysia, the angels in charge of Your purpose in Penampang and Sabah. We ask that You release these angels because it is written that they have been appointed to minister in the heirs of salvation.
We ask You to release them. Release them! Release Your chariots of fire; release Your horses over this town so that the will of God will be done in Penampang and Sabah as it is in heaven.
Lord, we release ourselves to You tonight/today. We submit our faculties to You. We pray that the Word of God will prosper; that the Word of God will flow freely out of me; Father, that Jesus be glorified. We pray, Lord, that the Holy Spirit move in an exceptional way, in a great way, that the seed of the Word of God be planted and every thorn be uprooted that wants to choke it; every tongue will be uprooted – so that the Word of God be planted properly. Lord, we pray that You will open the spiritual ears of all people so that they may hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church today. Thank You, Father, because You are able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we ask or think, because of Your power which is at work in us. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth – AMEN.

Dear Lord, we thank You for this day. Lord, once again we sanctify our gathering together unto You. Lord, if there is anything wrong in our individual persons or in our collective gathering, we ask that You will make us able to be worthy of Your voice.
We come by faith; we bring the Blood of the atonement. Lord, we will sprinkle it now in the realm of the spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ. Lord, we sprinkle the Blood of Christ for atonement and for redemption. We petition, O God, access into Your presence by faith in the Name of Jesus.
Once again, we sanctify this congregation. We delete every investment of hell from this place in the Almighty Name of Jesus. We dismantle all arrangements of leylines and sever all connections with occultists, jihadists-islamists, Buddhists, Hindus, Animists, Freemasons, pagan christianity and New Agers, illuminatist, false gods and goddesses, Satanists and Luciferians.
We speak into the heavenly places; we speak into the moon, the sun and the stars by the Blood of Jesus Christ: We wipe out every word spoken, the commandments of the sorcerers and the territorial representatives of darkness; we wipe it out in the Name of Jesus.
We declare You are King! We establish Your throne this day. Thank You our Father in Jesus’ Mighty Name.

In closing, after these curses have been dealt with and broken, it is very important to restore BLESSINGS ... we want to encourage fathers to take this calling seriously, and to begin BLESSING their families according to the Commandment of the LORD that the priests bless with the following blessing ...
The Priestly Blessing ...
Numbers 6:24-26
“24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: 25 The LORD make his face shine upon
thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.”

The Priestly Blessing ...
"YHVH will come before you presenting gifts, and He will guard you with a hedge of protection, YHVH will illuminate the wholeness of His Being toward you, bringing order, and He will provide you with love, sustenance, and friendship, YHVH will lift up the wholeness of His Being and look upon you, and He will set in place all you need to be whole and complete."  

May the LORD bless you and keep you
May the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you
May the LORD lift up his face to you and give you peace.