Thursday, November 17, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

South Korean pastor taken to Hell by Jesus so that he can experience 1st hand to write about its horrors and suffering.

As a pastor, I have read many books about spiritual warfare. I use these to preach, to teach and to apply to my daily life and on mission trips in different countries. When I first heard about the book Baptize by Blazing Fire, I thought it would be just another one of 'those' books with a different title. However, after reading the book I realized my old concept of spiritual warfare was totally wrong and that I had a blindfold over my spiritual eyes. I have read all five books of Pastor Kim's Baptize by Blazing Fire Series. There are many spiritual warfare books sold in Christian bookstores around the world. Most of the authors rely on their own experiences while applying biblical theory. It is appropriate to use biblical principles to fight against demonic spirits and the dark forces of evil. However, Baptize by Blazing Fire is different. The Lord Jesus appeared to this small church personally and opened the spiritual eyes of each member of the church. When their spiritual eyes were opened, they could see Jesus and demons. The Lord taught them how to fight against and resist the devil and his evil spirits while being able to actually see them. It was fascinating to know how easy it is to fight against the devil once your spiritual eyes are opened. There are so many demonic spirits around to cause sickness, evil thinking, family brokenness, church divisions, and so much more. My reading prompted me to visit The Lord's Church in Korea, which I was able to do recently. I received a warm welcome from Pastor Kim, Yong-Doo and his congregation. My doubts about things written in the book evaporated like steam as I talked with Pastor Kim, others who were visiting, and the young people there. What amazed me is that the church is packed with prayer warriors starting at 9:30pm until 5:00 am. daily, 365 days a year. They are engaged in intercessory prayer. Every night there is powerful worship, spiritual dance, sermons, the impartation of anointing fire, and much prayer. I have witnessed that Pastor Kim is taken to hell by the Lord at early dawn every day. The Lord Jesus wants him to experience the suffering and torment of hell because the Lord wants him to tell the world that hell is real. He was also taken to Heaven many times. The Lord grieves that today's churches do not believe in hell or, at best, take it lightly. This amazing book is a must-read for all Christians. Baptize by Blazing Fire will encourage you to overcome the spiritual battle as well as give you a wonderful foretaste of Heaven. My Church intends to translate Pastor Kim's series of books into English. This will benefit many Christians in the World and give them the opportunity to translate them into their own languages. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Kingdom of Light vs Kingdom of Darkness

H3 (3rd Heaven Culture) (Hiababou ko-tohu)
  1. WW4all - Win Win for All.
  2. I die for what I believe
  3. There is no greater love than one who lays down his own life for another
  4. Man is created in the image and likeness of God
  5. Universe was created by God
  6. The greatest among you is the lowest
  7. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these will be added unto you
  8. Love their neighbor as thyself 
  9. God is Love
  10. money, sex, wine - love of money is root of all evils, sex other than with a spouse is a curse, wine taken as tonic/medicine is good for the body.
  11. God is the author, Sustainor and ender of life, taking another human life including one's own life is against God's law except in saving innocent lives.(Nephelim, demon possessed killer, etc)
  12. Worship/Pray only the Creator, YHVH ELOHIM.

H2 (2nd Heaven Culture) (Hibabou ko-duvo)
  1. WTA - Winners take all
  2. You die for what I believe
  3. Eye4eye, Tooth4tooth
  4. Man evolved from monkeys
  5. Universe started with the Big Bang
  6. Some are born great, some achieve greatness
  7. Money makes money, cash is king
  8. Love thyself as thy neighbor 
  9. Love is God
  10. Money, Sex, Wine - that's my love and goal in life because that keep me alive.
  11. Survivor of the fittest. Kill or be killed, there is no peace until my enemies are routed out! 
  12. Worship/Pray to false gods and goddesses e.g. Baal & Ashoreth disguised as Mary, mother of God, Tammuz as Baby Jesus, Demons disguised as departed saints, ISIS, Vishnu, Shiva, Wang Nyin, etc

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Divide and Conquer - John 10:10

Orang Sungei, Tatana, Tindal, Tidong, Ida'an, Bagahak , Kuijau, Tombonuo, etc are part of the Kadazan 12 main tribes and 43 sub-tribes, why were they not included in the category of KDM but classify under other bumiputra while Bugis, which is not an indigenous race, is mentioned as among this other bumiputra ?

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Carolyn Hamlett and Dan Duval - I of VI - An Illuminati Insider's Warnin...

Carolyn Hamlett is a special person. This is was she describes herself in her blog, "Beyond the physical realm", I am a former "Illuminist" born and raised in the Luciferian organization responsible for implementing the plan for the NWO which is also Satan’s plan to instal his chosen one in global rule under the pretense of ushering in an era of global peace and spiritual harmony. Throughout my life I was used in various capacities and departments in "The Plan" on both the physical and non physical levels which yielded to me a wide range of experiences and gave me privy to classified information. My on going testimony is of the power of Jesus Christ to deliver from the powers of darkness and to bring healing and restoration to the wounded and broken. I tell my story to expose the lies and tactics of the enemy and to point people to the One I know is in fact, The Way, The Truth and The Life, the One I owe my life to, my Savior, Jesus Christ. I have experienced and witnessed many fantastic and sensational things and have knowledge of many sensational topics, and yet, the most extraordinary, incredible, sensational and amazing of all (by far) is the saving and healing Power of Jesus Christ and God's plan of salvation through him, Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12 Is and will remain my testimony"
At 53:00 mins or so in this video, she talks about her pre-existence, i.e. as a spirit being in Heavens before she was allowed to come and live in a human body on planet earth. Something not taught quite often in Bible seminaries or Churches but Bible teachers like Ps Dr. Neville Johnson and others sometimes mentioned this in passing.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Kanou mingkakat om sumodia - doiti no o Logon Gazo, tasab om sunduvan tangalaat mantad kopolintaan do kotuvangan do mamazo manangod tokou! Au i izioho okukuo sundung nibuuvan o sambayang diozu do joliu, toi pio tangki vaig tobitua do potuntugon, pio ngoibu o misa do ozuvon diozu nung okon no ko miampai diozu i Husod Tohidang (Spiritu Sangti), aiso do ilang do kosunduvanan (sword of the spirit), kuihib do Zaa do Doumba do Kinoingan, tolipingang do katapatan, kasut do kosodian popotongkop do abal tavasi, gaung bosi do kotunudan, hobot tuhu do kotomposizan, kohid do koimanan, om sambayang do 24/7 do poinpakai toi pipapakai diozu. Na i gimat ngaavi mantad do Logon miaga kombuongo, nipon do bakas, scapula, joliu, ssp mangai no zadai tu iho no ngaavi kopogong om mangagos diozu do mikot id katapatan om kopolintaan do tanavau om sumivon doid hintuun do Tiikon di Apa id Surga!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Biggest Vatican Secret Revealed!

In order to defeat one's enemy, one must know its location, nature,strength and weaknesses, its war strategies, its arsenal of weapons, its spies and paid informers and it's vulnerabilities.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

How to Pray and Interpret in the Spirit - Dr. Richard Roberts

Kivaa do bakaang panangod tokou i noihaan suvai tinaau nga sontob di tutumanud totopot di Yesus Huminundun Mononobus nopihi. Kanou pokinoboos om minsingiho ingkuo momoguno do bakaang diti.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Warning for the Final Generation Ascension of Enoch

I songuhun Kadazan punganan Enoch nonuan do Kinoingan kosivatan do minooi kakap Disido doid Hibabou kumotuu, sinunudan om pinokito Isido ingkuo Kinoingan do Minamangun do vinoun ngaavi. Iti no i susuzan disido kokomoi ngaavi di Tasab di nosuu do Kinoingan do tumoguvang di vinangun ngaavi Dau.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

KDM - The Stupid People of Malaysia

The meaning attributed to the term "Dusun", based on the Sundanese language (Indonesia) is STUPID. Kadazan (Tangaa) Kadayan (Bundu Liwan, Lotud) is human or people, Adam in Hebrew, Orang in Malay and tuhun/Uhun/Tulun/ Lun in modern Tangaa, Bundu Liwan, Lundayo (Murut). 
So Kadazan Dusun could mean Stupid People. Then KDM - Kadazan Dusun Malaysia - literally means "The Stupid People of Malaysia".
Judging from the way how they reason, that by frequently changing the name of their racial identity, they could achieve unity, that seems obvious that even an ordinary housewife can spot the stupidity, inconsistency and lack of conviction. 
What is in a name, especially if it is given by Kinoingan Minamangun? It is one's character, identity, honor, authority and destiny!  Since time immemorial, before they were colonized by Brunei and the British, they just refer themselves as Kadazan/Kadayan or human. It is something special because it was given to the first Kadazan (human) Adam and Eve when God created them in His image and picture, and gave them the ability to procreate and have dominion over the birds of the air (first heaven), the animals on the land (Tatanga - middle earth) and the fishes of the sea (underworld). This is opposed to spirit beings or half human and half demon, e.g. Babalan, werewolf, referred to in the Books of Genesis as the Nephelim, who normally reside in abandoned human settlement (Pogun) e.g. Pogun savat in Kg. Dambai and Pogun in Kg. Kibabaig. They were commonly referred to as "Momomogun". During the day, they look as normal human beings, but during the night, they will turn into wild beasts. The Babalan is known to disengage its head with its intestines and fly away, leaving its body behind, looking for dead human bodies to bring home as fish.
Even those who had their PHD had fallen into such deception, or is it something deeper than just in the pretext of uniting but they are serving a greater power behind the scene, knowingly or unknowingly acting as their tools, the Hegelian politicians, none other than the illuminati network -Vatican/International Bankers, the satanic New World Order! 

The meaning of Kadazan/Kadayan in Ida'an is Man or Adam in Hebrew.  

Monday, July 11, 2016

Muslim Woman Gives Jesus One Week To Prove Himself Before Ending Her Lif...

Itia iso kosoksian songuhun tondu Muslim i nokointutun di Jesus songian imbuhai Isido dosido.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The 4 faces of Jesus & the Endtimes Pt 2 Sons of God Nivelle Johnson ...

The following video clip is a very good teaching by Rev Neville Johnson about Man or in Bobohizan/Bobolian language Kadadazan/Kadayan. There are also teaching on the same subject by proven bible scholars like Derek Prince (not Joseph Prince), Pawson, etc but I find Neville's teaching full of insights in the Kingdom of God as the Lord reveals to him graciously during his frequent trips to the third heaven. If possible, you can download this and listen it again and again.


1, Ngaan nopo diti nga okon pinudahi nga aanu mantad ina'at do Bobohizan om i komozon tuhun toi Adam [Hebrew], Man {English}

2. Ngaan nopo nga "Character,authority, honor, identity om destiny" tokou.

3. Songian do a'ait toi oboos i, adadi do balakat toi tatau i'i. [Blessings or curses - Proverbs 23:7

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. (NKJV)]
4. Mositi do nokoboos o Kinoingan Minamangun dio Donald Stevens, Peter Mojuntin, Dr. James Ongkili om susuvai po do tuhUNKO om okon kabun do kouvaan [Dusun], Bavang (Sungei), Tuavon (Tuhau) om susuvai po.
5. Sabap no do nokotungkus di Ama tokou id Surga o ngaan diti, mositi do toimoon, opion, gunoon om umohigan tokou diti gisom otitisan do zaa toi aavi o pinuobo tokou sabap au tumood i Logon gazo tuhu do manakau, mamatai om momunso tokou sabap aiso i do tuduu disido do uminikot nga manakau, mamatai om momunso. (John 10;10a)

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Kg Iman Lomunu - entering into another growth phase!

Preparing for Break through years 2016-2020
Cattle shed being demolished to make way for brick factory
The old Chapel - recyling the materials to build low cost houses for rental to generate revenues for the Village operation.
Earthwork in progress for site of a new brickfactory operated by Eco-building Sdn. Bhd. 
The Cattle shed was first erected in 1981-2 as a KPD Contract broilers farming project. The building was under supervision of a able carpenter Paulus and had lasted for 30+ years. Beside it grew a gaharu tree which was about 7 years old but it to go.

This beautiful vegetable Garden which was below the cattle shed also had to go.